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"During the five-month Self-Employed Business Institute journey, I started building my own sustainable self-employed ecosystem. Jeffrey Shaw shares (literally!) everything he's learned in his 30+ years of self-employment experience.


He truly cares about the success of his students and is passionate about all types of small businesses.

Investing in this course has enabled me to create the boldest version of my business and was definitely one of the best decisions of my life!"

Dr. Christina Guthier

Occupational Health Psychologist



Why Christina joined: To solidify her authority message and build out her business model.

Bryan Welsh

Photographer and Speaker



Why Bryan joined: He knew there was a bigger platform out there for himself and he wanted to figure out what that was.

"The Self-Employed Business Institute helped me see the business I wanted to create. The group coaching calls were very helpful as we all learned from each other and could bounce ideas off of one another. I especially liked the individual coaching calls that helped guide me towards the steps I needed to take in order to move my business forward. Having Jeffrey Shaw by my side gave me the accountability I needed to take action."

Julia Fitzgerald




Why Julia joined: To build a more scaleable business model to have greater impact in her industry.

Joan Maze

Career Strategist and Coach



Why Joan joined: Get clear on her topic, who she serves, and build an organized business.

The Self-Employed Business Institute is a fantastic program that has helped me gain clarity on how to scale my business. Jeffrey teaches a holistic approach that has opened my eyes to "what's next". The training and coaching has given me clarity and direction that I never had before. Jeffrey is a fantastic and caring person who really knows how to help you find your ideal customer. I especially love the concept of Hug marketing!!

Cathy Himlin




Why Cathy joined: To gain productivity and organization to grow her business.

Deb Coviello

The Drop In CEO™



Why Deb joined: She knew she was doing many of the right things but needed support and guidance to get the results she wanted so that all the hard work paid off.

"I am thrilled to have been a part of the Self Employed Business Institute! From the very first meeting when we all introduced ourselves, I was impressed by the variety of professions and the overall caliber of students that this program attracted.  As much as Jeff has been the heart and brain of the institute, the members have provided significant value-add to each coaching call as well.  One thing I love about Jeff’s framework for the program is how he got me to think bigger, beyond the scope of the day-to-day part of my business.  He didn’t just tell us to “dream big” though, he gave specific homework with questions designed to make you think critically, and then we had opportunities to talk about it both during the group coaching calls as well as on the one-to-one coaching calls.


I am so grateful for my time in the Self Employed Business Institute because I feel like it has opened the scope of my goals as well as my trajectory to meet them.  If you have read, or are currently reading through the Self Employed Life book, and are interested in putting the content into practice in a group setting with an excellent coach, I would highly recommend you give the institute a look and strongly consider applying!"

Krystal Hise

Dog photography redefining family



Why Krystal joined: To find out what was calling her to do something bigger yet connected to her dog photography.

Cathy Allen

Helping boards of small non-profits



Why Cathy joined: To develop a strategy to grow her business. Frustrated and feeling at a loss, it was do or die time.

"I feel like I just got $20K worth of coaching for $5K. Jeffrey is knowledgeable, dedicated to student success and generous with his time. Most important, for me, was feeling like he had no interest in forcing me into some kind of prepackaged mold. We approached strategies for growing my business around who I authentically am. Huge."

Gena Cox

Author, Leading Inclusion



Why Gena joined: Looking for strategies to build her self-employed business and expert platform that she didn't find in her PhD or corporate experience.

Tammy Gooler Loeb

Author, Work From The Inside Out



Why Tammy joined: After decades of being in business, she recognized the need to refresh her approach and connect some of the dots to get better results and a more consistent flow of clients.

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